2. Fees
2. Fees
2.(a) Is there a Membership Fee?
Yes, every family at Epping Heights OSHCP is required to pay an annual membership fee when they enrol/re-enrol at the centre each year.
Please refer to our Payments page for Membership Fee information.
2.(b) How much are the Centre Fees?
Please refer to our Payments page for up to date fee information.
2.(c) How do I pay my fees?
Please refer to our Payments page for the different fee payment methods available for families.
2.(d) Can I pay my fees at the centre with cash or cheques?
No. Epping Heights is a cashless centre which means that we cannot accept cash or cheques as a form of payment. Please see above for how to pay your fees.
2.(e) How often do I get billed?
You should receive a statement once a fortnight, from our administration office, Becklyn. Your statement details your usage at the centre from the past two weeks, and your total amount owing – which will include any missed payments from before the current period .