About Us

Our Centre

We are a non for profit, community based centre that provides before and after school care for the children of Epping Heights Public School. Our centre is managed and run by a voluntary parent committee. We are an approved centre, which gives parents the ability to access Child Care Subsidy (CCS) as a fee reduction.

We constantly strive to provide the best quality of care for the children who attend our Centre by providing a fun and interactive weekly program in a caring and nurturing environment.  Our Centre  achieved an Exceeding Nation Quality Standard (NQS) rating. We have a team of dedicated staff who are both experienced and passionate about working with children.

Survey Results

Family Survey Results 2024

2024 Child Survey

2023 Family Survey Results and Interest Data

2022 Family Survey

2021 Child Survey

2021 Needs and Interests Report

2020 Survey Results

2019 Survey Results

2018 Survey Results


Data from Term 3 2016 - EHOSHC Family Survey

Before & After School Care

Opening Hours:

Our Before & After School Care operates Monday – Friday on school days, between the following hours:

Mornings: 7:00am – 9:00am
Afternoons: 3:05pm- 6:00pm

Vacation Care

During the school holidays we provide Vacation Care which caters for the children of Epping Heights Public School and the wider  community. Vacation Care is packed with exciting activities that take place both in and out of the centre. Our program aims to keep your children entertained during the holidays and ensure that they having lots of fun with their friends.

Opening Hours: 7:00am – 6:00pm


A variety of continental breakfast foods are served each morning. On occasions a hot breakfast option may be offered. Breakfast will be served between  7.00am and 8.15am.

A nourishing afternoon tea is provided each day, served between 3:15pm and 4:00pm. Birthday Cakes are most welcome at the time of your child’s birthday (Please note our after school numbers can be in excess of 85 children, and we have found that individually wrapped lollies such as lollipops work well and cater for vegetarians, and children with most other dietary requirements).

Please be aware that for full day bookings (vacation care/pupil free days) children will need to bring their own lunch and morning tea.

We would like to encourage all families to be aware of our allergy-friendly service, and avoid providing your child with any products that contain nuts.

For detailed information regarding our meals, please refer to the menu.

Dietary requirement

Our centre ensures that all children with special dietary requirements are adequately catered for.
If your child has food allergies, please ensure the coordinator is verbally notified as well as noting this on your child’s enrolment form.

Children with Special Needs

Our centre caters for children with special needs and is able to access Inclusion Support for these children in some situations.


At Epping Heights OSHC we provide the option of a quiet time and space in the afternoon for the children to complete their homework. It is part of our Centre Philosophy to ensure that the children in our care are active and spending their time play-based learning. It is for this reason that homework time is available after 5pm. It is at your discretion as to whether you would like your child to complete homework at OSHC. Please advise Staff, preferably in writing, if you would like your child to complete homework. We will endeavour to ensure they are encouraged to do their homework, but cannot force them to do so.

YouTube Channel

Follow the link to view our Epping Heights OOSH YouTube Channel filled with fun and hilarious videos of the children cooking, taste testing and overall having fun at OOSH.